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- Don't want to become ADVANCED 4X4 DRIVER
+ BEWARE OF INFORMAL TRAINING AFRICAN OFF-ROAD ACADEMY and our members are experiencing numerous queries as to the validity of INFORMAL 4X4 TRAINING CERTIFICATES and wether it can be taken into consideration for RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) 1 THE WAY FORWARD
We as South Africans realize that we live in a developing third world country. Rules and regulations governing certain industries such as the 4x4 industry is inevitable. 2 GOVERNING BODY
The NOW (National Off-Road Workshop) has organized themselves and taken up the responsibility to regulate the 4x4 industry and prevent Government intervention through legislation. There is an initiative in place surrounding controlled or licensed access into ecological sensitive areas. Our SADEC neighbors are not far behind in following the same initiatives to prevent traffic and promote trade. SAQA has registered unit standards for 4x4 driving and it is regulated by TETA ETQA and presented by accredited training providers such as AFRICAN OFF-ROAD ACADEMY 3 INFORMAL VS FORMAL
· Certified Training
Before the registration of the Unit Standards for 4WD training the 4x4 industry had to make use of certified 4WD training. This training was provided by self acclaimed experts in the 4WD industry whom took advantage of the demand for 4WD training and started their own training operations calling themselves 4x4 instructors No standard existed so everybody presented their own product under no supervision nor regulation. On completion of such certified training some learners received a certificate of attendance. With this in mind I am not saying that the products presented was of substandard, to the contrary. I attended a number of the more prominent programs in my investigations and found some very well presented programs, however I must admit they were in the minority. A fair amount of different programs saw the light such as” Introduction to 4x4, Level 1-5, Advanced 4x4” and possibly a couple more. The bottom line, none of which was standardized nor approved by the industry or from a set curriculum to which can be referred to. · Accredited Training
Accredited Training is a step in the right direction. From certified training we moved forward to accredited training were training is formal & standardized. This training is presented by accredited training providers who manage their facilitators, assessors and moderators to provide the highest levels of standardized training. · Accredited providers
Accreditation in South Africa resorts under SAQA and the relevant SETA's Accredited providers undergo a strict qualification process to be able to be accredited against the unit standards to be presented. These providers have to be registered tax payers, as well as have sound policies and procedures in place to name a few requirements before being considered for accreditation. · Regulated
Accredited providers are regulated by the SETA and its ETQA dept (Education Training Quality Assuror) · Qualified Instructors & assessors
Accredited providers have to make use of qualified facilitators (instructors), assessors and moderators to present accredited unit standard training. A qualified instructor is competent by one level higher than the unit standard presented, competent on the unit standard presented as well as us 117871 Facilitation of learning. A qualified assessor is competent by one level higher than the unit standard presented, competent on the unit standard presented as well as us 115753 conduct outcomes based assessments. Assessors have to be registered to assess the relevant unit standard by the SETA. At African Off-Road Academy it is policy that the facilitator and assessor not be the same person, this ensures quality training and high levels of customer satisfaction. · Formalized certification
Accredited providers present learners with unit standard related skills & knowledge and confirms learners competence with a certificate of competence. Competent learners receive credits at the specified level on the National Learner Record Database. Here learners can accumulate credits on various levels to achieve national certificates, diplomas and degrees. · Standardized
All accredited training provided must be related to the relevant Unit Standard presented. · Industry approved
Before a Unit Standard can be approved, it has to undergo certain steps for approval of which one is "public comment" this is were the public or industry can scrutinize the unit standard and raise their comments which is then addressed before approval and registration. · Credits and Levels
All unit standards is allocated credits and a level. The levels are grouped in bands, general education, further education and higher education from level 1 to 8 and recently 11. The credits allocated refers to the amount of notional learning hours a learner has to complete to qualify for competence. · Unit Standards
US 254135 Apply the techniques for operating four wheel drive (4WD) vehicles, in on-road and off-road conditions. Level 3 Credits 4 US 254154 Apply the advanced techniques for operating four wheel drive (4WD) vehicles, in on-road and off-road conditions. Level 3 Credits 8 US115311 Apply advanced driving skills / techniques in defensive and offensive situations Level 5 Credits 9 US 377201 Apply advanced driving skills: defensive driving Level 5 Credits 6 US 377220 Apply advanced driving skills: offensive driving Level 5 Credits 5 US 242656 Apply technical knowledge and skill in order to manage risk in motor vehicle losses due to theft and hijacking. Level 4 Credits 3 US 117871 Facilitation of learning Level 5 Credits 10 US 115753 Conduct outcomes based assessments Level 5 Credits 15
Consider formal training before spending your hard earned money on something you might just have to do over again. With formal training the unit standard does not require you to redo your training every now and when. This can only happen when the unit standard is ammended or updated. + What about my previous 4x4 training, certificate(s) and experience? We acknowledge and appreciate the fact that you spent time, money and effort on 4x4 & off-road training. This proves a positive attitude towards training and self-development.We at AFRICAN OFF-ROAD ACADEMY evaluate your prior learning and experience and take it into consideration when calculating your notional hours of learning. + What is the difference between my previous certificate and this accredited certificate? Up and until August 2009 all 4x4, 4WD, Off-Road and relevant certificates obtained in South Africa from non SAQA Accredited training institutions, were certificates of attendance. This does not mean that it is worthless, the fact is, that our country did not have a formal curriculum or standard for learners, instructors or assessors up until now were the unit standards has been approved by SAQA(South African Qualifications Authority) and accredited by TETA(Transport Education Training Authority) with accredited training providers such as AFRICAN OFF-ROAD ACADEMY. The certificate you will receive for competence of our accredited learning programme(s) will be a certificate of competency acknowledged by the NQF(National Qualifications Framework) and recorded on the NLRD( National Learner Record Database) for which you will receive credits on a specific level of learning. The relevant 4WD Unit standards make part of the national Professional Driver Certificate + Why should I spend my time, money and effort to be trained? We at AFRICAN OFF-ROAD ACADEMY assure you that after you successfully completed our learning programme, you will not only have received a Accredited certificate with credits on the NLRD(National Learner Record Database) but you will be: A safer! A environmentally conscious! A more competent! Off-road vehicle operator, whom will be a member of an elite group of proud accredited off-road vehicle operators. + WHO CAN TRAIN AND ISSUE A VALID 4X4 “DCC” CERTIFICATE I hope and believe this will clarify and possibly explain a lot of uncertainties that may exist around this issiue. My wish is however to demonstrate to the 4x4 & Off-road enthuisisast current and future that we have in South Africa now a standardized training curriculum that is presented across the country to improve you as a 4x4 & Off-Road vehicle operator to a level to be proud of, to be part of a goup of competent 4x4 & Off-Road vehicle operators and not a mere certificate. With your support we are and will be able to present and develop a range of world class products for you to share for generations to come. ABRIVIATIONS SAQA (SouthAfrican Qualifications Authority) TETA (Transport Education Training Authority) SETA (Sector Education Training Authority) ETQA (Education Training Quality Assuror) NLRD (National Learner Record Database) 1 INSTRUCTOR There are no specific requirements under SAQA for training instructors apart from the norm to be qualified in the unit standard being trained and preferably one level higher. The trainer must however be part or in agreement with an accredited provider to train the necessary. Then the instructor can train learners against the relevant unit standards. At AFRICAN OFF-ROAD ACADEMY our minimum requirement is: · At least 3 years practical 4x4 & Off-Road driver training experience. · Competence against US 254135/254154 Advanced operate 4wd vehicles in Off-Road conditions. · Competence against US 117871 Facilitation of learning (Train the Trainer) At AFRICAN OFF-ROAD ACADEMY make use of the most professional, best qualified and most experienced off-road instructors in the country to ensure the highest standard of training. 2 ASSESSOR There are specific requirements under SAQA for assessors. Assessors have to have competence against US 115753 Conduct outcome based assessments. Assessors have to be registered under the relevant SETA to assess the specific unit standards. Registration details are viewable on the TETA website. The SETA will issiue the assessor a registration certificate issuing the assessor with a registration no, date of registration and date of expiry as well as a statement of registration stating the unit standards the assessor has been registered to assess. The assessor must however be part or in agreement with an accredited provider to train the necessary.Then the assessor can train and or assess learners against the relevant unit standards. At AFRICAN OFF-ROAD ACADEMY our minimum requirement is: · Professional 4x4 Trails and overland tour guide qualification. · Competence against US 254135/254154 Advanced operate 4wd vehicles in Off-Road conditions. · Competence against US 115753 Conduct outcome based assessments. At AFRICAN OFF-ROAD ACADEMY make use of the most professional, best qualified and most experienced off-road assessors in the country to ensure the highest standard of training. It is accepted by SAQA and TETA that the assessor can be the instructor and assessor in one person( the teacher can do the examination) but at AFRICAN OFF-ROAD ACADEMY we prefer to have the instructor and facilitator as separate entities to ensure the highest level of instruction and customer satisfaction. 3 MODERATOR There are specific requirements under SAQA for moderators. Moderators have to have competence against US 115759 Conduct outcome based moderations. Moderators have to be registered under the relevant SETA to assess the specific unit standards. Registration details are viewable on the TETA website. The SETA will issiue the assessor a registration certificate issuing the assessor with a registration no, date of registration and date of expiry as well as a statement of registration stating the unit standards the assessor has been registered to assess. The moderator must however be part or in agreement with an accredited provider to moderate the necessary.Then the moderator can moderate assessments against the relevant unit standards. At AFRICAN OFF-ROAD ACADEMY our minimum requirement is: · Professional 4x4 Trails and overland tour guide qualification. · At least 3 years practical 4x4 & Off-Road driver training experience. · Competence against US 254135/254154 Advanced operate 4wd vehicles in Off-Road · Competence against US 115753 Conduct outcome based assessments. conditions. · Competence against US 115759 Conduct outcome based moderations. At AFRICAN OFF-ROAD ACADEMY make use of the most professional, best qualified and most experienced off-road moderators in the country to ensure the highest standard of training. It is not accepted by SAQA and TETA that the moderator can be the moderator and assessor in one person( the player and referee) and at AFRICAN OFF-ROAD ACADEMY our moderators and assessors are not the same persons. 4 PROVIDER The provider is the most important aspect in the process as the accredited provider has to: Be accredited as a training provider to train the relevant unit standards. Have developed and approved unit standard related learning material. Have developed and approved unit standard related facilitation material. Have developed and approved unit standard related assessment material. Have developed and approved unit standard related moderation material. Have in its structure at least a registered moderator and assessor. To be able to train and issue a valid competency certificate for a specific unit standard and issue credits on the specific level and register the learners competence on the NLRD Then the Accredited Provider can train and or assess and register learners against the relevant unit standards and issue a valid certificate. At AFRICAN OFF-ROAD ACADEMY we have been accredited by TETA against unit standards: 254135 Apply the techniques for operating a four wheel drive (4WD) vehicles in off-road conditions. 254154 Apply the advanced techniques for operating a four wheel drive (4WD) vehicles in off- road conditions. TETA Reg No: TETA09-201 We have a registered Moderator : TETA Reg No: TETA-MODR09-304 We have registered Assessors: TETA Reg No: TETA-ASSR09-2118/ TETA-ASSR09-2409 AFRICAN OFF-ROAD ACADEMY are proud to present you with the highest level of accredited 4x4 and off-road operator training that you can be proud of. 5 WHEN & WHERE CAN I COME FOR TRAINING AFRICAN OFF-ROAD ACADEMY are currently busy training instructors and assessors around the country to be able to provide you with the same high standard of training in any province in South Africa. AFRICAN OFF-ROAD ACADEMY will be ready to commence 4x4 & Off-Road Driver training in December 2009 latest. 6 WHAT WILL TRAINING COST? AFRICAN OFF-ROAD ACADEMY is currently presenting the OVOC Off-Road Vehicle Operator Certificate US254135 at R1250.00 and the advanced learning programs at R2500.00 7 WHAT IS THIS (RPL) THING? In our current situation were the unit standards for 4WD & Off-Road driving has only recently been registered RPL does not apply. (RPL) Recognition of prior learning is about assessment of prior evidence(Certificates, testimonials, log books, video's, pictures etc.) as opposed to: A normal assessment were knowledge and skills are assessed. The evidence must be measured and found sufficient against the said unit standard or curriculum. This is not possible as the previous certificates were certificates of attendance and can not be measured against a standard or a curriculum. The RPL process are mostly used were learners needs to convert their prior learning into qualifications and several unit standards are to be proved competent against.. The difference between (RPL) and a (FLP) full learning program is: RPL the prior evidence is assessed. FLP the learner's knowledge and skills are assessed. Providers advertising the RPL process for US254135/254154 are misleading the consumer and conducting a illegal and harmful business practice.
+ How competent are the instructor? Our professional instructors at AFRICAN OFF-ROAD ACADEMY are all:
4X4 & Off-Road subject matter experts. Competent on the relevant unit standards254135 & 254154 as well as US 117871 Facilitation of learning (Train the trainer) All our instructors has a minimum of three years practical 4x4 & Off-road training experience. + How will I be assessed? We will assess you by giving you (formative) assessment activities to complete during the program. · Writing a open book test · You will receive assignments to complete for assessment. · Writing a test (during the follow up day) · Doing on the job demonstrations (during the follow up day) · Answering some questions (if necessary) · You will have to submit your evidence of experience and practice. We provide clear guidelines on the assessment tasks as well as the content and format of the portfolio during the learning programme. + Who will assess me? Our professional assessors at AFRICAN OFF-ROAD ACADEMY are all:Competent on the relevant unit standard assessed.Qualified against the unit standard 115753 Conduct outcomes based assessments.Qualified registered Professional 4x4 & Overland tourist guide with a minimum of 5 years experience. + What if you don't teach me anything new? If you feel that we did not provide you with education equal to your moneys worth we at AFRICAN OFF-ROAD ACADEMY will gladly refund you your money and still provide you with the accredited certificate of competence.If that's not a challenge I don't know what is? + What if you don't cover all the aspects of off-road driving? We at AFRICAN OFF-ROAD ACADEMY undertake to refund you all your money paid for the relevant learning program if you can point out any related item that you feel should have been covered and was omitted.Are you up to the challenge? We are! + What if I have special needs such as language, disability, race or gender? At AFRICAN OFF-ROAD ACADEMY we are a non discriminative multi racial training academy. We do listen to our learners special requirements and needs and are able to make special arrangements for special requests. Just give us a shout! + Why use AFRICAN OFF-ROAD ACADEMY? At AFRICAN OFF-ROAD ACADEMY we: ø Do not allow the Instructor(facilitator) to assess you the learner, IOW. The tutor and the examiner are two different persons. So the assessor do not only assess the learner but also the instructor on a job well done. Thus ensuring the highest standard of training across the country. ø Pay our instructors and assessors on results achieved from the learner evaluation reports and results. ø Have a accredited off-road training facility in at least every province in South Africa. ø Have in excess of 200 years joint 4x4 & Off-Road training experience. ø Have been directly involved in the development of the Unit Standards for 4WD training. ø We have the full infrastructure to provide the highest level of professional 4x4 & Off-Road training in South Africa. øAFRICAN OFF-ROAD ACADEMY does not make use of sponsors and have no product preference. AFRICAN OFF-ROAD ACADEMY focuses on learner competence and are under no obligation to promote any specific brand or product. + Is the training only for 4x4 with low range or can the owner of a 'soft' offroader also attend? The training on US254135 is aimed at 4WD vehicles, meaning 4x4 vehicles with a low range gearing option.
However the training is aimed at the operator, so we will not turn such a learner away but Advanced defensive driver training is recommended for AWD vehicle owners. Ask a question